1 Year Ago Today

Ok, so it turns out that I made this blog one whole year ago today.
And no I did not remember that, WordPress just told me.

Although I know more what I am posting on this blog I don’t know if anything else has really gotten better. To start with I had no idea what I was going to be posting on here but I was kidding myself when I said that because what else would this be other than a book blog?! I read way too much for it not to be and with a couple of other things chucked in every now and again.

The thing is I was hoping that the reviews of the books I read would get better. I don’t think I ever really manage to get across what I want to say about the books and I don’t think I would fair much better if I was talking to you about it either. So maybe that’s just how I am when it comes to books.

I probably do set myself up for a little failure as I compare myself to my friend, Becky over at Blogs-Of-A-Bookaholic and she has pretty good and Long reviews which make mine not so good in comparison.

Over the past year I have done my A-Levels and started my first year of uni. I now have 4 months off for summer so hopefully things will be a little better over the next 4 months as I have neglected my blog a lot recently. I have loads of posts to write and loads that are written and need to be posted as well. Hopefully if I manage to get it all sorted I can do a better job when I go back to uni in September.

Within the year I have done 66 posts and have had 80 comments on the blog. Pretty much all of those are between me and Becky though but I don’t mind about that.

My blog has had 1,023 views within the year. I’m not sure what to think about that. It means that people are actually looking at what I write and I don’t know if I really expected that.

I realise that this isn’t an especially happy post and I’m not looking for anyone to come along and tell me that what I write is good because it could be better. I’m just saying what I think.

Hopefully next year will be better than the year just gone


1 thought on “1 Year Ago Today

  1. It’s always tough when you compare yourself to other bloggers, I find myself doing it sometimes and it only leads to sadness and disappointment. I always think – I can never be better than them, their stuff is amazing! Why am I even doing this? But so much of that energy spent wishing you had the talent of someone else could be spent on finding your own mold and what makes your blog your blog! You will always be a lot happier if you can stop comparing yourself to others and just be you. 🙂
    A heck of a lot easier said than done though!
    For the record, I also think your reviews have improved a lot! Even if you don’t think so.

    Congrats on making the one year mark. 🙂

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